Surviving Holiday Parties

Can you believe Christmas is only 10 days away?!?! It has crept up so fast. I know, this time is super busy, gift buying, wrapping, baking, parties, time with friends and family. And I know you are wondering how you are going to fit it all in AND stay accountable and healthy, well I am here to help! Here are some tips to help you get through the holiday parties, guilt free!

1. Don't starve yourself before going to a party or holiday function
This is so important! If you don't eat throughout the day or grab a quick healthy snack before you head out, you are more likely to OVER indulge in all that unhealthy food, or just over eat in general. 

2. Don't drink your calories
 Those mixed drinks, while they are delicious are *packed* with sugar and calories. It is okay to have a glass of wine, or just one mixed drink, but don't have too many! Stick to water, and add some fruit or citrus to it, to add some flavor!

3. Eat slowly, and don't hang out at the food table
 The slower you eat, the more time your body and brain has to realize you are full. It takes about 20 minutes for your brain and stomach to realize you are full. Also, get your food and go socialize AWAY from the food table. If you are standing around the food, talking you will likely mindlessly eat, meaning you will eat more than what you need.

4. Grab a smaller plate
 This will really help with portion sizes. The less room on your plate, the less you will eat. This does not mean go back and fill your plate several times, this goes hand in hand with staying away from the food table.

 It is OKAY to have a piece of your favorite holiday dish and or dessert, but do your best to eat things that are special about the season. For example: have a piece of that pumpkin pie, but dont eat a brownie or a cookie, you can have those things at parties all year round, pumpkin pi isn't something that is always available. 

The holidays are the time to see your family and friends and enjoy the year you are wrapping up, and celebrate the year ahead. But don't let all the fun ruin your goals and lifestyle! 


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